What does an outreach look like?

A big part of what we do in the La Lopez community is outreach. Although we love our Dream Center, we know how important it is to get out to a big audience and tell them about Jesus. It’s also a great way to invite kids and youth to our programs at the center. When we go into a school we always start with a fun ice breaker. One of our favorites is a watermelon eating contest. Funny enough, it’s always a crowd pleaser. We will play a few more games, then Obed and his team BREAK STYLE CREW will break dance for the students. Obed and several members of the crew have recently received Jesus and it’s so awesome to have them be a big part of the outreaches. After the dance, we usually invite a few people to give their testimony of what it has meant to them to serve God. We finish with a message and then our team goes out in the crowd to pray for the kids. It’s so cool to see God use the team as they pray with students for many different reasons from accepting Jesus to dealing with depression or having no father. Outreaches are a great tool for evangelizing and we are so greatly for a location that’s close to two different schools.