The personal series

In January I will be celebrating my 17th year as a missionary and I have to say that I get asked a lot of questions about living and serving Jesus in another country. Here are a few of the common ones: So how did you know you wanted to do this? How can you do […]


If you’ve ever been there before you have met Obed. He is one of the biggest reasons we are actually in La Lopez. Obed got saved during one of our summer trips! After being a part of our outreaches in the different high schools and hearing the gospel message preached over and over he and […]

About the school and Assistant Principal

Today I want to share about the school we visit every Wednesday morning where we teach Bible class and Values. The school is called Oswaldo Lopez and it is located in La Lopez Arellano. They have opened the doors to us to be able to guide the children in love. We are very thankful. Many […]