We call our ministry in La Lopez, the GRACE DREAM CENTER. Have you ever wondered why? 

When you live in terrible poverty and everyone you know lives the same way too, 

When out of everyone you know, only a handful have finished high school, let alone ever thought about higher education, 

When the majority of the streets in your neighborhood are dirt, 

When sometimes you haven’t eaten for days, 

When you don’t even have crayons and markers to color with, 

……It’s kinda hard to DREAM. 

Dreaming comes from an idea or a picture we carry in our heart of something better, but many of our kids don’t even know that “better” exsists. That’s where the Dream Center vision comes in. This week we were able to take a group of our kids to a huge Call Center here in San Pedro. It’s about a 30 minute drive from La Lopez, but for some of them it might as well have beeen halfway around the world. They gasped at the big tall building, they screamed in excitement on the elevator, and they kept saying, “I can work here one day if I keep learning English”! That was the whole point! When you are able to see that there is something bigger and better for you out there and you combine that with unconditional love and acceptance in Jesus, the sky is the limit! 

This wouldn’t have been possible with out a very special invitation from a sweet friend who works at the Call Center.