Kid’s Day!

In Honduras there’s a special holiday called Kid’s Day. It’s like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day but for kids. It’s a time for everybody all around to celebrate all the children in their life. In a normal healthy family kids are given presents just like on their birthday or Christmas and everywhere you go that day in Honduras businesses are doing special things for kids. They will have piƱata’s and all sorts of things to show the kids of Honduras that they are loved and cared for. But what happens when you live in a place like my Lopez and your parents can barely even afford to give you food?  Then kid’s day isn’t so special after all. Other kids around you might be celebrating big you’re stuck wishing that you are one of them. That’s why our Kid’s Day celebration is such a big deal. It’s letting these guys know that they are super important and that they deserve to be celebrated just like every other kid in the country. Kid’s Day shouldn’t be reserved for the rich and the prosperous, it should be for everybody! So to celebrate, we borrowed the community center in downtown La Lopez and we rented a jumpy house! One of our very talented friends came to lead the kids in games and we had food for them. It was a day full of so much excitement. I don’t think the kids stopped smiling from the moment they walked in until the moment they left! And of course they left with a cupcake in their hand!!! One of the exciting things of the day was that it was that we opened up our Dream Center store and kids that have been coming faithfully were able to spend their “DC” money on toys and prizes that have been donated within the last month or so. I believe with all my heart that the kids left feeling celebrated, feeling loved and feeling important. We want to thank anyone here in Honduras that donated to the special day and also our partners back in the States who made this day possible!