Kid’s Day!

In Honduras there’s a special holiday called Kid’s Day. It’s like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day but for kids. It’s a time for everybody all around to celebrate all the children in their life. In a normal healthy family kids are given presents just like on their birthday or Christmas and everywhere you go that […]

This is yours too!

One of the things we say all the time is that the Dream Center gives kids a place to go, something to do, and somewhere to belong. We instill those values on their hearts everyday though many different ways. One of the best ways though is to treat the Dream Center like a home. If […]


We call our ministry in La Lopez, the GRACE DREAM CENTER. Have you ever wondered why?  When you live in terrible poverty and everyone you know lives the same way too,  When out of everyone you know, only a handful have finished high school, let alone ever thought about higher education,  When the majority of […]