The first days

When we first opened the Grace Dream Center, the house didn’t have much! The walls weren’t painted and we had no furniture, but that didn’t stop us. We opened the doors and the kids sat on the floor in a circle to hear Chris, our intern, give English classes and Omar teach art and Bible. […]

A transition from the streets

Those of you who follow us or have been with us a while, know that our ministry in Honduras started with working with kids on the streets in San Pedro Sula. We would meet them right there in the median, give them a hot plate of food, and teach them a Bible story. We did […]

A place to Belong

That pink house is our DREAM CENTER and its pretty exciting! Omar and Chris have already started cleaning and painting it. We plan on opening the Dream Center for Bible Study, English and Art classes by the end of this month. That is all part of Phase #1. We will need $2000 to finish painting […]