No more sitting on the floor!

Little by little. Brick by brick. That’s the way to build. And that’s how its been with the DREAM CENTER. For our first few months of opening the center, we did most of the activities on the floor. Ha! Honestly, it was probably harder for our adult team that it was for the kids. Kids […]

Art brings smiles :)

People ask us all the time, “What is a Dream Center?” When you live in a place like La Lopez, Honduras its hard to dream. You might start off with big dreams like being a professional soccer player or a teacher, but when your family can’t make ends meet and they send you to beg […]

What does an outreach look like?

A big part of what we do in the La Lopez community is outreach. Although we love our Dream Center, we know how important it is to get out to a big audience and tell them about Jesus. It’s also a great way to invite kids and youth to our programs at the center. When […]