Public School Visits

Just like the Apostle Paul declared in I Corinthians “For a wide door for effective service has opened to me,”, we can say that God has opened a huge door for us in the local public school by the Dream Center. We able to go every Wednesday and lead a different grade in an actual […]

In Memoriam of Papa John

In Memoriam of John G. Willoughby When I graduated Seminary, I immediately wanted to get started on what I believed was God’s call for my life. I was making all the preparations to move to El Progreso, Honduras as a single 21 year old missionary.  I sent out newsletters and prayer cards and believed that […]

We love visitors!

We can talk and talk and tell you all about what we do at the DREAM CENTER, but honestly, there is hands down no better way to “get it” than visiting. We were so blessed to have a personal visit by our new friends Edith and her two daughters this week! They helped us with […]