A transition from the streets

Those of you who follow us or have been with us a while, know that our ministry in Honduras started with working with kids on the streets in San Pedro Sula. We would meet them right there in the median, give them a hot plate of food, and teach them a Bible story. We did that faithfully for two years. Then the time came and God began pressing on our hearts the need to have a place. Somewhere kids who beg in the streets could go. Somewhere they could learn and play. A safe place. A place where the love of Jesus would be shone. And so we began to look and pray and look some more. I remember driving through neighborhood after neighborhood looking for “for rent” signs for months. It seemed nothing was available. Finally after months of searching in a certain area of the city, God opened opened our eyes to a new area of town. It’s an area where several youth that we’d be working with and who had recently received Christ were from. It was an area in need of hope. An area known for drugs, gangs, and murder. And when we began to ask about houses for rent for our center, we found one right in the middle of the area, just a few blocks from a school that’s we had been working in. God was opening doors that no man could have opened. And in July of 2016 the Grace Dream Center was opened!