A place to Belong

That pink house is our DREAM CENTER and its pretty exciting! Omar and Chris have already started cleaning and painting it. We plan on opening the Dream Center for Bible Study, English and Art classes by the end of this month. That is all part of Phase #1. We will need $2000 to finish painting the house, provide chairs, tables, whiteboards/markers, sofas in the waiting area, water cooler, and a small refrigerator.
Just 2 blocks from our Dream Center, is a huge elementary and middle school. In the morning the 1st -6th graders pack out the school and in the afternoon the 7th -9th graders have class. We had two very successful outreaches recently there. The students were so open to hearing the good news that God has not given them fear, but power, love, and a sound mind! Members of the team shared their own testimonies on cardboard signs and we prayed for those who came forward for prayer. We have more outreaches planned this summer and we appreciate your prayers in the planning process.